Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A little something...

So this morning there wasn't anything in the cupboards that I wanted to eat for breakfast. Normally, we would stop @ McDonalds or a little doughnut shop BUT since last night after drinks with my sister (it was that kind of day) we stopped by Starbucks for some
Hot chocolate & a little dessert coffee cake. Decided this morning I wanted a strawberries & creme frapp & banana chocolate chip(who knew this combo could be SO good) coffee cake! As you can tell I got a head start before I took the photo... So my morning has definitely started off right! Happy Wednesday!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Easy way out...

So it seems to be easier to post this off my phone than pulling out the laptop & going through a crap ton of pics! First pic is from a halls cough drop (quite motivational or pick me ups!), 2nd is a dragonfly when which I found on an afternoon walk, 3rd is a ceiling fixture @ the backyard grill! Good times!! Ren fest tomorrow so pretty excited about that & the haunted house & movie time... BUSY DAY tomorrow! Hope you all have a great weekend! Happy thoughts!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I am back!!

So apparently it took me a year of not forcing myself to post to get back to blogging! What a fantastic year I have had! I have done a LOT of reading some good, some bad but really good choices. Figured I would start small and add a few photos that were taken with my iPhone! Hope that you are still out there enjoying life because I know I am!! Take care!