So today was a pretty relaxed day even though i do go into work for a few hours of O/T spent time with the fam out by the pool, had a lovely dinner, & conversation as always. Rather nice... I am going to get myself out of the house a little more by taking a walk around my new neighborhood & taking photos & such as i will need something to take the place of my beautiful Hawaii photos! And i REALLY need to start playing with it more.
Below someone, i am guessing it is their name, etched it into the sand & i thought it interesting the way they had written it into the sand....

Another photo taken as we were driving.... i am not quite sure what this is holding up or had held up at some point but i love the way it is placed in the photo....
Who doesn't love flowers? This was a bush that my sister had right outside the front door & i thought what a perfect oppurtunity to sharpen my skills in photographing flowers!
Here is another angle from the same bush...
I have also been going through a point in my photography which i am trying to learn but dont feel that i can on my own... i am going to attempt to find a group somewhere here where they are willing to teach me before i can get into college where i feel i will most willing learn what i want to know. I have also been going through a faze where i feel that i am NOWHERE near where i want to be & it is very frightening and i know i have only started & being patient has never been my strong suit lol I am trying.... holding in there & working at what i do know.
I was playing around with the colors & such of the photo above... not quite sure what i think of it... but an interesting perspective.... I am tired mentally more than physically at this point. Really wishing that i could be farther along & that i had ALL the money in the world even though i dont think at that point that would make me an happier BUT it would get me the stuff that i NEED in order become a successful photographer. So thanks for listening to my ranting, raving, & pathetic attempt at sharing my feelings.

Take care & Happy Saturday!
A quote from my favorite photographer:
"A good photograph is knowing where to stand." -Ansel Adams
Yes, it's nice to have awesome amazing equipment, but in the end, it will only work as well as the photographer behind the lens. If you have to, upgrade your lenses first, and worry about the body later on. I keep telling myself this whenever I question whether I can make it in professional photography with a Nikon D90 and a couple of lenses. What sets us apart from joe schmoe down the road with the same setup is that we have a better understanding of how to compose our images! :)
I like the flowers (what a surprise!)
Athina :)
Nice pix!
Athina is right ... i was using a Nikon CoolPix 5700 for a few years for magazine shoots ... it worked!
I love that last picture. I mean LOVE it!! :)
thank you guys! i dont know what i would have done without you all! You are so special & have helped me grow tremendously not only as a photographer but as an artist!
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