Tuesday, May 11, 2010


This evening i was looking through photos of a trip i took.... Now most of these below are from my Hawaii trip besides the very last one which is the whole reason for my post. Which also got me thinking... These people i take photos of are strangers to me & yet i feel i can photograph them the way i feel they live their lives....
Now it may not really be how they are living them... its just a glimpse in their well in this case most likely not their every day lives because they are on vacation but everyone i come across seems not to mind...
I have & am still struggling with taking photos of people in their real lives... i feel like i am invading their space but yet i find like the photo above (it is from behind but it doesn't take a way from the softness) the way they hold each others hands. Its beauty to me...
Here is a different kind of beauty... its a simple long board leaning up against the wall... but the water in hte background & if you look at the expressions on peoples faces.... I dont know call me crazy or detail oriented... i enjoy analyzing things.
Ah... now the reason for the whole post Strangers... Before the movie came out this would have just been 3 people in a ford pick up but watching the Strangers & getting the creepy vibe as the family drove away in their pickup with a pamphlet on Christ. Gives this truck a whole new meaning.... Taken by my friend TJ on our trip to Austin.... still gives me a bit of the creeps but i love it! Do you ever try & look at things differently???


Anonymous said...

Great shots - I haven't seen the movie, not sure I want to now though ;0)

Blue Wave 707 said...

Cool shots! Especially the surf board! :-)

Unknown said...

thanks guys truly appreciated!

ALEX said...

Hi Nicole ... is the first time I go on my blog and I really enjoyed.
You have some beautiful Imagna ... I congratulate you.

Greetings from southern Spain.

I follow you with your permission.


Hola Nicole...es la primera vez que entro en tu blog y me gustó mucho.
Tienes unas imágnes preciosas...te felicito.

Un saludo desde el sur de España.

Te sigo con tu permiso.


MedaM said...

This is beautiful post and interesting observation. The world is as interesting as we are curious.:-) I love your photos especially the first two.